At Ambiance Dental Spa, our goal is always to protect your smile from the devastating consequences of decay, infection, and trauma. One of the ways in which we save teeth is by performing root canal therapy in Bowie, MD. This restorative treatment has the potential to relieve your pain and spare you from an extraction.
When your tooth suffers extensive damage, or when the inner nerve (also known as the “pulp”) becomes infected, it may be necessary for your dentist to perform root canal therapy.
During the treatment, your dentist will use special tools to create a tiny hole through which they can access the pulp. Then, they’ll gently clean out the damaged or infected area. Once that step is complete, they’ll fill in your tooth with a special material and seal it. A crown is often necessary to protect a tooth once it had undergone root canal therapy.
The treatment can be either a minor or major undertaking depending on the extent of the damage. It may even take multiple appointments. When you come in to talk to your dentist, they’ll let you know more specifics about how you can expect your procedure to go.
Here are some major signs that you may need root canal therapy:
Even if you are not suffering any of the above symptoms, you might still need a root canal if you recently suffered tooth trauma or you have a dead tooth (a tooth that has stopped receiving blood flow).
If you suspect you need root canal therapy, don’t delay getting treatment! If your tooth is infected, there is always the danger that the infection will spread and attack the bone that is supporting the tooth. You could even suffer from a fever or other serious systemic health problems. The sooner you see your dentist, the better.
Some individuals may be afraid of root canal therapy or feel that it is too expensive, so they opt to have their tooth extracted instead. That’s a mistake! An extraction may be simpler and cheaper in the short-term, but a missing tooth can lead to oral health complications later on. Plus, filling in that gap in your smile with an implant or bridge can cost quite a bit of money.
There is no reason to be fearful of root canal treatment! Your dentist will make sure you’re completely numb during the procedure, so you won’t feel a thing. Once all is said and done, you’ll be in less pain than you were before the root canal. Then, you can go back to enjoying your life with your expertly restored smile.
The cost of root canals is different for everyone. While the problem might be the same, the conditions and factors associated with it are not. When meeting with your dentist to discuss your upcoming procedure, our team will go over the various factors that require you to receive a root canal. These will ultimately become the basis for your cost estimate. While this might seem overwhelming or confusing at first, our Ambiance Dental Spa team is here to explain available financing options and discuss how you can maximize your dental insurance benefits for optimal savings.