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Ambiance Dental Spa Blog

Is Invisalign in Bowie Really Worth the Cost?

March 4, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — ambianceteam @ 7:33 pm

using invisalignYou’re a budget-conscious person. You’re always comparing prices, looking for good deals, and using clever little hacks to save a few dollars here and there. Thriftiness is a great quality, and we applaud you for your money management skills. But we hope your talent for saving money doesn’t go too far — it should never cause you to sacrifice what’s best for your oral health. Admittedly, Invisalign in Bowie isn’t a low-dollar investment, but we can assure you that it is worth every penny. Let’s talk about some of the priceless benefits this treatment can deliver.


Do You Have Loose Dental Implants in Bowie? Your Dentist Can Help

February 7, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — ambianceteam @ 9:18 pm

An illustration of dental implants.Dental implants in Bowie are known for having an extremely high success rate. However, it’s not impossible for them to fail or come loose for one reason or another. It could happen if a patient doesn’t take proper care of them or if they are a chronic smoker. It could also happen because of an injury.

Regardless of the reason, it’s not something you can fix on your own, nor is it something you should be putting off. To start, you’ll need to confirm if the implant is loose before visiting your dentist.


Make Sure You Aren’t Allergic Before Getting Invisalign in Bowie

January 10, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — ambianceteam @ 11:38 pm

A set of clear aligners.While it is extremely unlikely, it is possible for people to have an allergic reaction to Invisalign’s clear aligners. How is this? It’s because of the plastic that clear aligners are made out of. In order to keep her patients safe, your dentist is writing about the possible triggers to look out for and how serious they can get when they occur.

As much as she would like for you to get a straighter smile with Invisalign in Bowie, it’s not worth it if it means putting you through unnecessary trauma. The next time you visit your dentist, ask her about the test used to confirm a plastic allergy before investing in clear aligners.


Let’s Compare Traditional Braces to Invisalign in Bowie!

December 12, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — ambianceteam @ 4:14 pm

A pair of Invisalign clear aligners.If you’ve finally decided to remove the crookedness and overcrowding inside your teeth, you’re probably wondering what the best form of treatment is out there. Dentists have continued to stay up-to-date on dental innovations just as much as the rest of their education, so you’ll want to confirm if Invisalign in Bowie is the best option.

If you aren’t familiar with Invisalign, your dentist in Bowie is happy to make it easier for you. Soon you’ll find out the additional benefits and savings you can reap with clear aligners from Invisalign.


Discover the Importance of Baby Teeth with Your Children’s Dentist in Bowie

November 11, 2017

Filed under: Cosmetic Dentistry — ambianceteam @ 12:09 am

Young girl at dentistAs a parent, nothing is more exciting than seeing your child’s gummy smiles for the first time. Over the next few months, baby teeth will begin to erupt, increasing the enjoyment as you see them grow and develop. While the sight of it can seem like one of the best moments in the world, caring for that smile is important as well. Although the primary teeth eventually fall out, they serve a vital role in their ability to chew and speak. Not to mention, they help to set the foundation for their future oral health. To nourish their development, it is best to start oral hygiene habits while they are young while also scheduling a visit to their children’s dentist in Bowie before their first birthday.

Your Children’s Dentist Reminds You to Choose Healthy Foods!

October 2, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — tnt_admin @ 6:25 pm

girl with carrots and applesBrushing and flossing are essential for oral health, but choosing the right diet can also do wonders for a person’s smile. As a parent, it’s part of your responsibility to make sure your little ones consume snacks that are good for their whole body — including their teeth. What types of foods will make your child’s smile bright and healthy, and which foods should you skip the next time you go grocery shopping? Your children’s dentist is here to give you some guidance.


Will It Hurt To Straighten My Teeth with Invisalign?

September 13, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — ambianceteam @ 9:47 pm

woman straight smile

With a new way to achieve straighter teeth on the rise, many patients have questions about how the Invisalign process works. That’s totally understandable! If you don’t want to be subject to traditional orthodontics or their naggy metal brackets and wires, then you’re reading the right post.

Here’s more information about the Invisalign treatment that’s changing how people feel about their smiles.


How Long Does Invisalign Take to Straighten Teeth?

August 7, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — ambianceteam @ 4:35 pm

woman with invisalignDo you always keep your mouth closed when the cameras come out because you’re embarrassed by your crooked teeth? It might be time for you to visit your local orthodontic specialist so you can investigate options for straightening out your pearly whites. If you don’t want to deal with the hassle of traditional metal braces, Invisalign in Bowie could be the solution you’re looking for. But how long does Invisalign take to do its job? Here are all the basics you need to know about this treatment.


Hygiene Tips for People with Invisalign in Bowie

March 31, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — ambianceteam @ 9:26 pm

Invisalign aligners in Bowie are easy to clean.

Invisalign clear braces in Bowie are a remarkably effective and discreet orthodontic system. It’s specifically designed to straighten teeth without the dietary restrictions, oral discomforts or obvious appearance of conventional ceramic or metal braces. These biocompatible acrylic aligners move teeth into healthier and more attractive positions quicker than traditional orthodontics, and they are so easy to maintain. Learn all about them, and their care, from Dr. Clarine Green Hightower and Dr. Yumna Valiulla.



Top 5 Ways To End Kid’s Dental Fear From Your Family Dentist In Bowie

February 10, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — ambianceteam @ 3:44 pm

How can you help your son or daughter overcome their fear of the dentist? Learn the top 5 tips from your family dentist in Bowie. Your child always keeps you on your toes – she’s smart, funny, and creative. You love seeing her smile, and want to make sure her oral health is up to par. So, you schedule her first appointment with your superior family dentist in Bowie, Ambiance Dental Spa, since they have the expertise in children’s dentistry that you can trust. You know she’s in good hands, but, leading up to the visit, you can see that she’s clearly nervous about it. How can you help her to overcome her fear of the dentist? Follow these top 5 tips from our team of trusted professionals – with our help, your kids will be excited for their next visit.


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