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How Much Tooth Enamel Must Be Removed for Veneers?

June 2, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — ambianceteam @ 9:24 pm
veneer placement

After talking with your cosmetic dentist about ways to transform your smile, you decide that veneers sound like an ideal option. Because of their versatility in being able to hide various flaws, you look forward to no longer seeing the stains, chips, and small cracks that greet you in the mirror each morning. But when it comes to the actual process of receiving these custom restorations, exactly how much tooth enamel is removed for veneers? Read on to learn just how little it is and why it’s necessary to ensure successful results.


4 Ways to Ruin Your Invisalign Treatment

April 7, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — ambianceteam @ 1:00 am

If you’re familiar with orthodontic treatment, you’ve likely heard of Invisalign. It uses clear, plastic aligners to gradually move your teeth into a better position. But to achieve the desired result, it’s crucial to keep up with the process and your orthodontist’s suggestions. Keep reading to learn about four ways you can compromise your Invisalign treatment that should be avoided to continue toward a straighter, more beautiful grin.


4 Important Truths About Root Canal Therapy

February 4, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — ambianceteam @ 11:17 pm
a dentist holding an image of an infected tooth needing root canal therapy

If you have recently been told by your dentist that you need root canal therapy, you may have immediately thought that was awful news! There are so many misconceptions about the procedure that normally the news is met with dread. However, root canal therapy is essential in treating advanced tooth decay. When a cavity goes untreated, it can go further into the dental pulp—the center of a tooth. Your dentist must then remove the infection to keep it from spreading to the root and other parts of your body. Read on for more important truths about root canal therapy!


Root Canal VS Extraction: Which is Best?

December 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — ambianceteam @ 4:20 am

Dentist speaking with patientTeeth are meant to last for a lifetime; however, 120 million Americans are missing at least one. Every tooth is vital for a healthy, functional, and confident smile. Root canal therapy is designed to save severely damaged and infected teeth from needing to be removed later. While an extraction eliminates the issue at the source, the consequences of an incomplete smile will cost you more down the road. Here are a few things you should know about a root canal VS tooth extraction.


How Much Does Root Canal Therapy Cost?

November 16, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — ambianceteam @ 1:39 am

Man counting cashIf you’re like many Americans, you’re probably looking for ways to cut back your monthly expenses. The last thing you need is a bill for root canal therapy. However, if you wait to have your tooth treated, you might lose it. Instead of paying for a root canal, you’ll have the expenses of an extraction and replacement tooth. Various factors affect root canal costs, but it’s cheaper than losing a tooth. You have several options to reduce the amount you’ll pay, so you can get the care you need, even if money is tight.


The Best and Worst Holiday Foods for People with Dentures

October 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — ambianceteam @ 1:24 am
Honey Smoked Ham with sides and desserts

The holidays are a time when people cut loose. You sleep in, stay up late, and eat as much as you want. As it turns out, this bacchanal can be pretty hard on your teeth. This can be especially true if you have dentures; if you don’t take care you could do some serious damage to your prosthetic. Here’s a brief guide on which foods to indulge in and which to avoid.


Just How Many Dental Implants Do You Need?

September 15, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — ambianceteam @ 10:14 am
Two dental implants in a model jaw

If you have missing teeth, you’ve at least considered dental implants. These tooth replacements can fill your smile and restore your lost chewing ability! That said, you may not know just how many implants you need. After all, different procedures involve different numbers of them. Some only place one implant, while others might place several at once! Fortunately, your Bowie dentist can help give you an idea of things. Read on to learn the factors that shape your ideal implant number and possible treatment solutions.


Can You Get Cavities with Veneers?

August 30, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — ambianceteam @ 12:29 am

Woman brushing her teethAre you ready to invest in the smile of your dreams using veneers? That’s great! Veneers are a cost-effective method to fix several aesthetic concerns simultaneously. Attaching the thin shell to the front surface of a tooth improves its color, size, and shape instantly. Although the front sides of your teeth are covered, don’t toss your toothbrush. While your veneers can’t get cavities, your teeth are at risk. Don’t let your smile become a victim of tooth decay. Here’s how maintaining your veneers will keep your new smile healthy and beautiful to get the most from your investment.


4 Common Cosmetic Dental Flaws & How to Fix Them

July 12, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — ambianceteam @ 12:51 am
person with straight, white teeth smiling

In the United States, 74% of adults have crooked teeth. additionally, a recent study found that 33% of people are unhappy with how their smiles look. Fortunately, cosmetic dentistry offers a range of procedures that can help correct aesthetic issues to give you the gorgeous grin you desire. Read on to learn four common cosmetic dental flaws as well as how your dentist can fix them.


The 5 Steps of the Invisalign Treatment Process

June 17, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — ambianceteam @ 11:14 am
Woman holding Invisalign tray

In most pop culture, the idea of straightening teeth is still associated with traditional, metal braces. “Want to fix your crooked smile? Get ready to wear brackets and wires for the next couple of years!”  That being the case, many people still aren’t familiar with alternatives like Invisalign. Clear aligners can seem odd and unknown as a result. Even so, that shouldn’t hold you back from a highly practical option.

For those who want to learn the Invisalign treatment process, here’s a five-step summary of how it works. Read on to see how aligning trays can give you a straight, beautiful smile!

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